Passion with a public purpose cost the lives of storm chasers Tim Samaras, his 24 year old son Paul Samaras and friend, Carl Young. All three were killed Friday doing what they did best- chase storms, gather data and ultimately, to help save lives, as a second wave F3 tornado tore through the Oklahoma City area on the heels of the F5 that took a number of lives just over the last couple of weeks.
On behalf of County Impact, our prayers go out to Tim and Paul and their family, as well as the family of Mr. Young and the families of the others that lost their lives. It is with deep sorrow; that life has been taken. And it is with great appreciation for the work of storm chasers that the staff of County Impact, will continue in prayer for their safety as they accept unthinkable risks; put themselves in harm’s way to gather and then provide better storm data so disaster plans are equipped with what it needs to save more lives.
Passion with a public purpose cost the lives of storm chasers Tim Samaras, his 24-year-old son Paul Samaras and friend, Carl Young. All three were killed Friday doing what they did best- chase storms, gather data and ultimately, to help save lives, as a second wave, F3 tornado tore through the Oklahoma City area on the heels of the F5 that took a number of lives just over the last couple of weeks.