Welcome to the NC Grassroots Video Campaign for Jobs in Northeastern North Carolina and the “Step it Up” I’m Going to Do Better Video Campaign! If you live in northeastern North Carolina, we need to hear your story and here’s how:
“My Story” Jobs Video Campaign Instructions
1. Upload a video 1 minute or less.
2. State your name, where you live and the county you live in.
3. Talk about your schooling.
4. Brag about you! Your gifts and skills and special training.
5. Tell why industry, businesses should come to your community.“Step It Up” Video Campaign Instructions
1. Upload a video 1 minute or less.
2. State your name, where you live and the county you live in.
3. Brag about you! Your gifts and skills or special training.
4. Tell why you’re going to “step it up” to do better
To get your video posted on CountyImpact.com follow the guidelines above and email us your video along with a brief description at [email protected]! If your video is already posted somewhere on the internet, like YouTube, then just email us the link. Once received, we will review your video and post it on our site! So what are you waiting for? Tell the world why Northeastern North Carolina is a good place for jobs!