Citizens have a responsibility to be intentional about serving. Serving your community is civic basics. Communities must express, not only in dialogue only, but in leadership mostly, the complexion of the communities they serve. Boards, committees and commissions provides every citizen the opportunity to be considered for service. However, if your choice is to allow the direction of your community to be entrusted to and in the hands of others, then you relinquish the most powerful role of being a member of your community- the role of meaningful participant.
If you are interested in serving, do not allow an application form to intimidate and move you from interest t0 “no way”. Instead, call a family, friend, neighbor or co worker and ask for help. Better yet, try calling a young nimble-minded, technologically savvy social media buff, and get them in on the journey with you. They will not only be able to help you negotiate the application process, but can become a young person you in turn mentor, coach and guide into service as well.
So, go on… click on the link above and get at it. Remember, your elected representative can help as well. Inform them of your interest and take things from there. They can recommend you, as well as get you the help you need filling out the application.
Here’s to your service to the community you live in – making it the best because of it!