Happy Easter from County Impact

On behalf of the staff of County Impact, we would like to wish you a Happy Easter. We are grateful to be given an opportunity to look at issues that impact rural communities and communities with a history of persistent poverty. Our goal is to draw attention to its many needs. As you and your family celebrate this amazing occasion, please be reminded of the real reason for the holiday. Jesus was crucified on today, Good Friday and rose from the grave three days later  a Sunday. His death, burial and resurrection purchased eternal life for all believers- for Christians everywhere.

We covet your prayers during this season and ask that you continue to pray for leaders in authority. Pray they will always be mindful of the less fortunate, and as they bring forth and move forward legislation, let it include benefits for the least among all of us. Happy Easter to you, your family, and the communities in which you live and the entire nation and world as a collective family during this most precious holiday season.