It’s Time for us to Fight for Jobs in the Northeast – Calling for All Stories

Who says our work ethic is less than desirable? Who says we are consumers only and not producers? No matter your economic position, all of us have benefited from government policies in some personal way. Yes, some of us have benefited more than others, but that does not reduce us to a community preference of state and federal subsidy when in fact, poverty has consumed us so long, subsidies feel more natural than giving our own individual gifts and talents a chance.

So what do we do? How do we replace decades of public assistance with true talent and ability, for hire. I say let’s package our potential and present it to our leaders and anyone that will listen. It is time we speak out. We can make things happen, so let’s do it!

This is a County Impact Grassroots Campaign – A Call for Stories!

If you live in northeastern North Carolina and have an unemployment, under-employment, or employment story, we need to hear from you! You can join the campaign by registering on our Grassroots Skills Registry Campaign for Northeastern, NC page at

Here’s how it works!
Get out your cell phone, pocket camera, flip cam, video camera or whatever and shoot your less than one minute video.

Then What?
After you shoot your less than a minute video about you, what you have to offer and why companies should come to northeastern, NC, upload it on my page at tomorrow night!

What should be included in your video story?
You should begin your story by 1)providing your name, city, state, county; 2) your highest level of education (for example high school, community college, college, graduate studies) and where you graduated from (for example Bertie County High School, Roanoke Chowan Community College, Elizabeth City State University) 3) talk about your employment status- unemployed, underemployed, employed; 4) talk about your skills, gifts and abilities and then appeal directly to companies. Tell them why they should do business in our community.

Lastly, brag on yourself. Tell them what you have to offer. The goal here is to let others know you don’t just want a handout, but you are willing to work and you are willing to learn as well. Industry is needed in northeastern North Carolina and you have the power to help make it happen!

So, get your video ready for downloading and be one of the first to post! Go online Sunday night, February 17, 2013, and let’s do it! Post this on your Facebook page. Ask your Facebook friends to like it, share it, tweet it and then ask them to retweet it!

Not living in northeastern North Carolina and you want to help? Send me an email and tell me about it [email protected].