Hello small town America…Hello Northeastern North Carolina! Have you been waiting for jobs to come to your community? Have you been waiting a long, long, long time, for that one big thing to happen, and it has not? Countyimpact.com is launching a grassroots JOBS Campaign featuring everyday people living in the region telling their personal story and making an appeal for JOBS to come to their small rural community.
If you live in northeastern North Carolina, we need to hear your story and here’s how:
1. Upload a video one minute or less.
2. State your name, where you live and the county you live in.
3. Talk about your schooling.
4. Brag about you! Your gifts and skills and special training.
5. Tell why industry, businesses should come to your community.
That’s it!
Beginning Sunday night at 8:00 pm, February 17, 2013, go to www.countyimpact.com and upload your video. Additional instructions will be provided at that time! We can do this… let’s help bring jobs to northeastern North Carolina!