So Much Time In Between – Too Much, That Is

The last time I blogged, has been too long. My challenge has been with my online work.  Launching a blog is more complex than I had imagined. There are technical declarations needed to ensure there are not interruptions.  Now, continues the task of changing the status of my online work to that of a blogger. I applaud Google and Internet providers for safe guarding the exchange of information across cyberspace. In my case, I have provided them the information requested to ensure them I am a blogger, now, all it takes is a “little” more time for them to iron out the wrinkles made with my daily blogging to all of you.

Nonetheless, I remain as passionate about advocating for the poor as I ever have. The number of bills passed, blogs written, talk shows hosted and everyday people talking about all of this, since I last blogged, have been many. Since that time I’ve also seen too much, read too many op eds and heard too many stories that contradict the reality of survival in poverty. The monthly aid, food stamps, health care and habits of daily living by some, adds to the legislation and conversations that continue to be had but it does not change a simple reality… the poor will always be with us. The larger question is how to balance spirited conversations that have led to disheartening legislation while the poor seek survival without shelter.

As I prepare to relaunch my daily blog, there is one theme for sure; the poor is still in needs of a compassionate constituency. Why? The times are not kind to those who depend on assistance.

Keep checking County impact for the next blog- if it’s not in your Inbox- join me  “on site’-! In the meantime- keep advocating for the poor!