County Impact Founder Response to Governor Pat McCrory’s State of the State Address
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=275fWdeXKVA In an earlier blog message today I mentioned being intentional about listening to Governor Pat McCrory’s State of the State address. Embedded within the message he gave was the influence SB4 would have on the economy in northeastern North Carolina; the Senate passed SB4, which impacts federal unemployment benefits. It is understood that cutting…
Kick off Time: County Impact Launches Grassroots Online Video Campaign for Jobs!
We’ve done it! All systems are a go! Now we need you! If you live in northeastern North Carolina, your voice is needed to be added to the thousands of voices from across the country and the world supporting countyimpact.com’s campaign for jobs in northeastern North Carolina! Be one of the first to upload your…
It’s Kick Off Time: County Impact Grassroots Online Video Campaign for Jobs!
County Impact Launches Online Grassroots Campaign for Jobs
County Impact Launches Online Grassroots Campaign for Jobs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QkMZpQofVg
Join Online Grassroots Video Campaign for JOBS
Hello small town America…Hello Northeastern North Carolina! Have you been waiting for jobs to come to your community? Have you been waiting a long, long, long time, for that one big thing to happen, and it has not? Countyimpact.com is launching a grassroots JOBS Campaign featuring everyday people living in the region telling their personal…
It’s Time for us to Fight for Jobs in the Northeast – Calling for All Stories
Who says our work ethic is less than desirable? Who says we are consumers only and not producers? No matter your economic position, all of us have benefited from government policies in some personal way. Yes, some of us have benefited more than others, but that does not reduce us to a community preference of…
Drones Create Jobs -a Call for One in Eastern North Carolina
Drones for civilian use is about to become a reality. The Federal Aviation Administration has made a request for proposals to create six drone sites across the US. With this request, comes a practical application of drones in civilian life. The demand from law enforcement agencies, farmers to monitor crops, to fire fighting, and nonmilitary…